Top collection of Top Messages for Birthday for your Principal

  • I have yet to find a person like you who do the job so passionately and enthusiastically. It seems like your job of the principal is a playful thing for you. Happy birthday, sir!

  • You have made our school a living heaven. And you are making us characters of values and ethics. We are very much indebted to you sir. Happy birthday to our principal sir!

  • You are really our principal sir; because you are truly the man with principals. Happy birthday sir!

  • We would never forget you wherever we go sir. We would never forget you. You have laid our foundation. You are the man of truth and for it you can do anything. That really inspires us sir. Happy birthday to our principal sir!

  • You are our path maker. You are kind, gentle and nice human being, who understands how to form children like us into well behaved men. We always be thankful to you that you are giving us a right direction. Happy birthday principal sir!

  • We know our future will forever be bright; because it is in your hands. Happy birthday principal sir!

  • May we wish that you never leave us! May we wish you always guide us! May your health forever be good! We love you sir! Wishing happy birthday principal sir!

  • The stories that you tell us of character strength and inner faith always inspire us and incline us to be better at everything. May you always be blessed sir! Happy birthday principal sir!

  • We pray for you that May God give a ray for you. May he always guide you and you us. May you always win and do good work! Happy birthday our dear principal sir!

  • You always teach us valuable lessons of life. You are dedicated for us, and your that dedication fills us with utmost respect for you. May you never ever fail in life! Happiest birthday dearest principal sir!

  • You have given a mantra of getting everything. Belief- is what you have given and how to do it for ourselves. Thank you sir! May God’s blessings always be for you! Happy birthday principal sir!

  • Whatever little I have learned from you has improved my life by leaps and bounds. Thank you sir for being my torchbearer and happiest birthday with blessings!

  • Harsh in the school, gentle off the school. This is the best statement to describe you. Happiest birthday to the most intelligent and disciplined person I know.

  • Your unflinching commitment and dedication to making the students excel in every domain of life are remarkable. You are unquestionably the best principal ever. Happy birthday!

  • Your larger than life personality is very influential and inspiring. I would love to be your student for a lifetime. Happy birthday, principal sir!

  • From managing internal school activities to representing the school at the global level, you have done everything so perfectly and professionally. Thank you for making us proud. Happy birthday to the best principal ever.

  • Principals like you are rare to find who is keen to discuss every little thing with students and solve their problems immediately. Your mere presence is a great blessing for us. Happy birthday, sir!

  • If there is a competition between principals of the best schools in the country, you will surely win the competition by miles. I wish you a joyous birthday!

  • Your voice timid me but your motivating words soothe me like nothing else. Thank you sir for molding me into a great human being. Happy birthday!

  • You rectified my mistakes when I was too adamant to accept them, you injected inspiration in me when I was hopeless, you consolidated my faith when I was full of doubts. Happy birthday, principal sir.