Top collection of Insulting Wishes for Birthday for your Best Friends

  • Are you going to use your birthday as an excuse to get totally wasted? Because I’m in. Happy birthday!

  • My best wishes, best friend. Please don’t blow on the cake too hard, because some of us actually plan to eat it.

  • For your birthday today I’m giving you what you give me every day- sarcasm, a bucket load of trouble, and a handful of naughtiness. Happy birthday.

  • I wonder why you are celebrating the fact that you’re turning older. Nevertheless, I will attend your birthday party. Happy birthday!

  • You, my best friend, totally forgot about my birthday last year, but I wanted to use the occasion of yours to still give you this gift and prove once and for all I’m the better man.

  • Wishing a big happy birthday to the guy who makes me feel like I finally have a little sister! Happy B-Day, bro.

  • I hate surprises, so I really hope you have good food at your party. Happy birthday!

  • What?! You’re how old? That’s like almost dead in doggy years…. Here’s hoping you make the most of the few years you have left. Happy birthday.

  • You are a kind, beautiful, and amazing person. I hope you accept my birthday wishes and these lies on your birthday today!

  • Dear bud, if you’re not married by this time next year, my gift to you is going to be a mail order bride from Russia.

  • I won’t lie—I’m only here for the cake. Happy birthday!

  • Hey! It’s your birthday! I love this day because we both get to party hard and live large this one day of the year. Thanks a million for making your big day mine too!

  • Another year has gone by but you haven’t gotten any wiser. Oh, well. Happy birthday!

  • What are you so happy about? It’s your birthday and you are going to have to spend a lot of money to keep us happy. Have fun doing it! Happy birthday!

  • I don’t feel like wishing you a happy birthday. Because, like everyone else, I don’t like reminding you that you are growing old. Happy birthday and stay young!

  • It’s your 25th birthday but you haven’t thrown a single party till yet. What a parsimonious person you are! Anyways, happy birthday.

  • There are two types of people in the world; one who gives birthday parties happily and one who goes underground on the birthday. You know very well about which category you belong to. Happy birthday!

  • Dear friend, what is the point of celebrating your birthday when you are moving one step closer to death? I wish you a happy birthday!

  • Hey buddy, how about a sex doll as your birthday gift? Because I am sick and tired of your perpetual horny nature. Happy birthday you sick freak!

  • Hey friend, if I get a chance to choose between you and 100 million dollars I would definitely choose the later one. Why the hell would I choose a broke friend like you? Happy birthday.

  • On your birthday, May god sucks out happiness from your life and make you beg even for a penny. Happy birthday my parsimonious friend!

  • I still wonder how on the earth an extrovert guy like you became the friend of an introvert like me. Whatever happens, happens for the good. Happy birthday, friend!

  • If you don’t take the pledge of cutting your weight this birthday I won’t bring a birthday cake for you. Happy birthday my cute fatty friend!

  • My life was beautiful then you entered in it and everything become so gloomy. You seem like a curse on my life but still, I love you. Happy birthday my lousy friend!

  • You are an ass of all trades but master of not a single thing. Happiest birthday to the most useless friend in this world.