Top collection of Inspiring Messages for Birthday for your Big Brother

  • Having a big brother is like having a well-guarded wall around you. Every enemy has to go through it. Happiest birthday big brother!

  • Having a big brother is like having a well-guarded wall around you. Every enemy has to go through it. Happiest birthday big brother!

  • If you have brothers in your life, you have everything. You don’t need any outside friend. Happy birthday elder brother!

  • If you have brothers in your life, you have everything. You don’t need any outside friend. Happy birthday elder brother!

  • Your big brother knows everything about you. You couldn’t hide anything from them. Happy birthday big heart big brother!

  • Your big brother knows everything about you. You couldn’t hide anything from them. Happy birthday big heart big brother!

  • They always take care of you never showing and expressing. Heartfelt birthday to my big brother!

  • They always take care of you never showing and expressing. Heartfelt birthday to my big brother!

  • When a brother walks with you, you can walk miles of distance without hindrance. So many hugs and happy birthday elder brother!

  • When a brother walks with you, you can walk miles of distance without hindrance. So many hugs and happy birthday elder brother!

  • When you have big shoulder of big brother, then you have rest for whole life further. Happy birthday elder brother!

  • When you have big shoulder of big brother, then you have rest for whole life further. Happy birthday elder brother!

  • A person who is always there for you in any and every situation can only be your big brother. Hugs and happy birthday to my dear brother!

  • A person who is always there for you in any and every situation can only be your big brother. Hugs and happy birthday to my dear brother!

  • It is pleasure to sing with your big brother under a banyan tree. Fondest memories of him. Privileged to have in my life. Happiest birthday elder brother!

  • It is pleasure to sing with your big brother under a banyan tree. Fondest memories of him. Privileged to have in my life. Happiest birthday elder brother!

  • All Big brothers show tough but soft at heart. Hugs, love and wishes to you my sweetest big brother!

  • All Big brothers show tough but soft at heart. Hugs, love and wishes to you my sweetest big brother!

  • Having brothers in life mean having no problems at all. Soulful happy birthday to big brother!

  • Having brothers in life mean having no problems at all. Soulful happy birthday to big brother!

  • They are not the people to mess with. Happy birthday to dearest big brother!

  • They are not the people to mess with. Happy birthday to dearest big brother!

  • Someone asks me what you have? Then I proudly say I have a big brother. Feel lucky to have you in my life. Hugs and kisses to big brother!

  • Someone asks me what you have? Then I proudly say I have a big brother. Feel lucky to have you in my life. Hugs and kisses to big brother!

  • You can always have calm sleep when you have big brother near you. Loveliest happy birthday big brother!

  • You can always have calm sleep when you have big brother near you. Loveliest happy birthday big brother!

  • Big brothers are like unremovable glue. They are forever there. Heartiest birthday wishes to you big brother!

  • Big brothers are like unremovable glue. They are forever there. Heartiest birthday wishes to you big brother!

  • The only worst thing with big brothers is that they take your all candies. Loveliest birthday wishes to big brother!

  • The only worst thing with big brothers is that they take your all candies. Loveliest birthday wishes to big brother!

  • When they kiss you on your forehead and come to see whether you asleep or not. It means they really love you. My whole life for you elder brother. Happy birthday!

  • When they kiss you on your forehead and come to see whether you asleep or not. It means they really love you. My whole life for you elder brother. Happy birthday!

  • Those who care for their sisters, they are always big brothers. Hugs and wishes to my elder brother!

  • Those who care for their sisters, they are always big brothers. Hugs and wishes to my elder brother!

  • Brothers always watch their brothers’ back. Happy birthday to all my elder brothers!

  • Brothers always watch their brothers’ back. Happy birthday to all my elder brothers!

  • Brothers are like those trees whose shadow always calm and relax you. Dearest birthday to you brother!

  • Brothers are like those trees whose shadow always calm and relax you. Dearest birthday to you brother!

  • Big brothers are like a vast sky under whose shadow all birds comfortably fly. Hugs, wishes and kisses to you my big brother!

  • Big brothers are like a vast sky under whose shadow all birds comfortably fly. Hugs, wishes and kisses to you my big brother!