Top collection of Inspirational Wishes for Birthday for your 30 Year Old

  • If you count the moments instead of counting days, you will realize that life is big enough to fulfill all your dreams. Happy 30th birthday dear.

  • It’s not the aging that sucks, it’s the over-expectations and jealousy with others that suck. Happy 30th birthday!

  • Life is as good as you make it out. You are responsible for your happiness and sadness. Have an amazing 30th birthday!

  • Dream colossal, live simply, aim high, and be content with little. Happy 30th birthday!

  • Every birthday is special if you have unconditional love in the heart and utter peace in mind. Happy birthday and welcome to the club of 30!

  • May the lord grants you enough intelligence and courage to pursue invincible goals and do good deeds for the betterment of humanity. Happy 30th birthday!

  • Turning 30 can become a gargantuan blessing if you have a loyal friend circle, a good job, and fine books to read. Have a wonderful 30th birthday celebration!

  • Nothing can bring glitter to your inner world except you. Just try to make yourself happy. That’s the only person who will be with you till the end. Happy 30th birthday!

  • Life is not about dreaming poky dreams and achieving them. It’s about setting big ones and succeeding and failing to achieve them. Happy 30th birthday!

  • Remember, some people will always be there for you to have your back during the journey. Never let them down and never break their hearts. Happy 30th Birthday!